We couldn't work without the support of the following organisations. We are a traded service meaning that we are not for profit and charge places at cost. As a result the support of these organisations help us keen the doors open and helping people from across the south west.
Coopers Associates
Coopers Associates are a financial services company based in Taunton who offer mortgage, wealth management and accountancy advice. They have generously given us their help as a funding partner via The Cooper Associates Foundation to offer support to young people in the Taunton and Wellington area through our Student Support Scheme. The scheme makes Otterhead Forest School accessible for young people who do not have EHCPs or additional funding.
For more information about their services, please click here.
MIndfulness UK
MindfulnessUK kindly donated funds to rebuild our composting toilets, making them more accessible and usable.
MindfulnessUK is a leading mindfulness and compassion training organisation, teaching accredited courses online. Karen and the team have supported Joe through the Integrating Mindfulness and Compassion Qualification which is having a positive impact across the whole staff team.
For more information on MindfulnessUK click here.
"We have helped many groups, organisations and businesses to recycle plastic and create products. Our aim is to empower beach cleaners, increase recycling rates and develop new techniques for recycling ‘hard to recycle’ plastics." Otterhead Forest School find innovative ways to re-use old fishing nets.
For more information on Ocean Recovery Project click here
Bishop fox's foundation
We are currently working with Bishop Fox's Educational Foundation to offer support to young people across local secondary schools who would benefit from bespoke Forest School sessions. The project is a preventative initiative to target individuals who may otherwise never be able to access our provision.